

The Geoportal and web services for Barcelona City Council's IDE (Spatial Data Infrastructure) allow municipal territorial information to be made available through the web using OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards..

The need for creating a geoservice infrastructure stems from a demand for both internal and external management within the scope of municipal territorial information interoperability. A city council generates and processes a huge quantity of georeferenced data. As it does all this, there is an ever increasing number of council management applications requiring a cartographic component to enable the cartographic information managed by the council's various technical departments to be accessed, combined and used.

On the other hand, external demand arises in particular from the interest shown by professional groups, municipal service and utility companies which use the cartography established and maintained by the City Council, as the starting point of their municipal territorial planning, actions and consultations. At the same time, efforts are being made to promote the establishment of interoperable cartography through the public service and maintenance companies operating within the municipal area (IDE sectorials). Therefore, one of the main aims is to improve control and external contract-related operations, combining the companies' cartographic management information with the information itself.

This provides a guarantee that the information is obtained from where it is maintained, to achieve maximum efficiency, and it is possible to combine information from different sources, from the basic principals enshrined in the European Directive INSPIRE, and in accordance with the Spatial Data Infrastructures of Spain (IDEE) and Catalonia (IDEC).

Through its cartographic infrastructure for SITEB (Barcelona Territorial Information System), which includes territorial-related management, planning and service management data, Barcelona City Council makes use of urban planning, cadastral data, topographical elements, feasibility, administrative divisions, etc. The IDE services are fed by the entities that are present in this information system.

Geoportal access


The application is compatible with the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome™ 77 or higher
  • Firefox® 69 or higher
  • Internet Explorer® version 11
  • Microsoft Edge 44 or higher
  • Safari® 12 or higher

This application uses SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). This allows for better quality graphics and enables localisation tools, vector selection and drawing on the map.

Some maps can be requested in different formats, some of which can be in SVG. The SVG format has been adopted by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and can be viewed natively in modern browsers, although it may be necessary to adjust some browser options:

  • Google Chrome views SVG format natively.
  • Firefox views SVG format natively.
  • For other browsers check their specific features.

If you cannot view SVG or any other format correctly, a small icon will appear in the top left corner. It can be modified so that the returned format is a different one; the recommended format is PNG.
